Sassy Ever After: Demon Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8
“Do you still have your flashlight?” Jericho yelled. “If you do turn it on and point it at the mirrors. It’ll cast them away for a few minutes and allow us time to squeeze past them to get to you.”
“Okay,” Brogan said with a trembling voice. He felt like a scared child, but it wasn’t often you had to face one of your biggest fears head on while knowing they were trying to kill you.”
“That’s it babe. I see you now, we’re almost there. Keep waving it around. Want to hear some fantastic news?”
“Yes, desperately.” Brogan grunted and yelped, “That one got a little too close. I’m okay though, just tore my shirt a bit.”
Suddenly a strong set of arms wrapped around Brogan and he screamed as he turned to fight and instantly relaxed when he realized it was Jericho holding him. “The exit is right around the corner. We’re almost home free.”
“Thank you.” Rook whispered in a shaky voice. “I don’t know how many more clowns I can handle right now. They are getting more and more demented as the minutes tick by.”
“Hold hands,” Jericho demanded. Brogan didn’t hesitate he grabbed Jericho’s hand and then latched on Rook’s who in turn had a death grip on West.
“Lead the way home, please.” West cried. “They’re moving in. Hurry.”
Brogan was afraid to turn and look. Jericho had been right; this room was by far the worst thing he’d ever faced. They were just reaching the door when a small voice called his name and made him freeze in place.
“Brogan, don’t leave me here. Take me with you.”
He turned slowly wide eyed and petrified of what he’d see behind him. It was her voice and inflections, he’d know those tones anywhere.
“Yes, my boy. I’ve been waiting for so long for you to come rescue me. Please come back and help me. I don’t belong here.”
“Brogan, listen to me. They are playing tricks with your mind. That is a demon, not your grandmother.” Jericho pushed in front of him until they were face to face. “Babe, focus on me. You know that pain you have blocked up, it’s time to let it out. Use it to feel the truth. Let your love and pain for me blend into one of hope, life and eternal love. Blast them away with the power you’ve got locked away. I swear to you, it’s not your grandmother. That’s a demon. Blast the facade away and you’ll see the truth.”
Brogan glanced away from his mate’s eyes and stared at his grandmother’s pleading ones. Her hand outstretched and crying out for his help. “Grandma?” He asked as tears fell unchecked down his cheeks.
“Let it out,” Jericho begged as tears began to fall from his eyes too. “I can’t lose you now that I’ve got you. Trust me on this babe, let it out and set us free.”
All at once Brogan crashed to his knees and screamed until his throat was raw and the tendons on his neck stood out in stark contrast. Slowly the sound faded and he was once again able to see what was before him. Nothing but shattered glass, and black-eyed creatures stood there in awe before turning and fleeing.
“She’s gone?” He asked softly.
“No love, she was never here to begin with. Let’s go home.” Jericho whispered as he helped him to his feet and they walked to the door their friends had slipped through a few minutes before.
“You guys okay?” West asked softly as Brogan emerged into the forest of maggot infested trees.
“More than ready to go home, but yeah we're going to be okay.” Jericho replied with a sad smile.
“Boys, if you can hear me you must hurry. They are fighting me and I don’t know how much longer I can keep this open.” Cadence’s voice filled the air around them.
“Run,” Brogan screamed as the four of them bolted for the rapidly shrinking rip. They dove through and landed on the soft turf of the grass they’d left a few short hours ago. A loud popping sound filled the air as the zippered space closed once again.
“Welcome home, boys. We were getting worried you wouldn’t make it back.” Cadence whispered before she collapsed into a heap beside them.
“Is she okay?
“She’s fine. Just exhausted.”
All four guys jumped in surprise as Barbara Wolfe walked up. “I’ve been coming out here checking on her every two hours since you left. She’s refused to let the portal shut for more than a couple minutes at a time. She’s worn herself out. Tristan and Rogue are on their way. They’ll get her back home to rest and recover.”
“How long?” Jericho asked cautiously?
Barbara sighed, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jericho. I just wish it was under better circumstances. That being said I’m glad you’re home with us now where you belong.” She held up a hand forestalling his next words. “Four days. It’s been just over four days since they went through.”
Brogan gaped at her in shock. “That’s a joke, right? We were only gone for a few hours.”
West and Rook nodded in agreement before turning to look at Jericho.
“Time is different, it doesn’t run in a straight line like it does here. How long was it since I was sent down with that demon?”
“Seven months and ten days.” Brogan answered without hesitation.
“For me the time frame was different. I was gone two years, five months, thirty-six days and eleven hours.”
“Gentleman if you’re up for it there are quite a few guests waiting to welcome you home.” Barbara smiled and gestured behind her to a waiting truck. “Your chariot awaits.”
Brogan climbed to his feet and paused beside Cadence, “We can’t leave her out here.”
“I’ve got her and welcome back.” Rogue said through their pack link. Brogan spun and spotted the man a few yards away in the trees.
“Okay let’s go, she’s in good hands.”
Chapter Seventeen
For all his years living he’d never been to anything like what he walked into after Barbara drove them back to Brogan’s house. There were people everywhere and they all cheered as soon as they saw them arrive.
“How did they all know to be here?” Jericho asked in confusion.
“Word spread through the pack that you’d arrived and they told their friends and everyone converged here to celebrate.” Barbara replied with a gentle smile.
“What are they celebrating?” For the life of him he couldn’t figure out mortals. They did the weirdest things.
“That you all made it out safely and that you’re home now. It’s combination congratulations for surviving and welcome to the pack party.”
“Pack.” Jericho repeated slowly.
“Yes, babe. You want me, you get all of them too,” Brogan said with a wink. “It’s kind of a package deal.”
Jericho nodded but didn’t respond. None of this was making much sense to him. He’d known his mate was a shifter, but before this he’d never really had any reason to interact with his kind. They were as foreign to him as demons were to most of the world.
“Brogan.” Jericho called stopping his mate and gesturing for him to come back away from the others. “As much as I love you, I don’t know about this. People don’t tend to react well to my kind. Plus, I kind of hoped I’d get some time to make you mine sooner rather than later.”
“Enough of that boys. There will be plenty of time for that shortly. For now, inside.” Barbara called from the doorway to Brogan’s house.
Jericho cocked one eyebrow, “She can hear us?”
“We’re shifters. Our hearing is exceptional as our pack Alpha just demonstrated and trust me it’s not a good idea to leave her waiting. She’s been known to adopt interesting ways of revenge for it.”
“I can hear you Brogan Michael Taggert.” Barbara mock scolded. “Everyone’s waiting. Quit stalling and get inside to your party.
“Party time’s over everyone.” Barbara called a few hours later. “These guys are exhausted and have definitely earned some sexy time together don’t you think?”
“Brogan do you need
any more pointers, I’m sure Deader and West would love to offer it while sober this time.” A voice called out from the back of the room.
Jericho glanced at his mate in confusion as he saw Brogan’s face turning red in embarrassment. “Something I should know?”
“Later.” Brogan growled as he glared at his friends standing around and laughing good naturedly at him.
They said their goodbyes and watched the last of the guests drive off. Only Brogan, Jericho, West and Rook remained behind.
“Hey guys. We’re gonna take off. We need some time alone together after today to heal what was cracked down there, even if it is only in our own hearts.” Rook said as he pulled first Brogan and then Jericho into a tight hug. “I’m glad you guys got together, you both deserve to be happy.”
West winked at Brogan and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. Jericho tried to hear but the bastard purposefully whispered it so only the two of them could hear. But if the blush on his mate’s face was any indication it was something West knew Brogan wouldn’t want said aloud.
Jericho watched the two of them with a calm acceptance that surprised him. He’d never thought he’d be okay with another man holding his mate like that, but even he knew the bond these three men held for each other was something out of the ordinary.
West finally released Brogan and turned to Jericho. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to know you last time you were here. I look forward to it this time around. Welcome to the family, brother.”
Jericho smiled and pulled the other man into a tight hug, “Thank you for coming with him. I don’t think any of us would have made it without the others.”
West shrugged, “That’s what family does. Sticks together even if it's to go through Hell, literally.”
“You going to tell me what that was all about?”
Brogan laughed, “Hell no. We’ve got much better things to do right now, don’t you think?”
“Hell yes we do, If you’ll recall I’ve been propositioning you since the moment I met you. You on the other hand wanted nothing to do with me. Quite a turnaround if I do say so myself.”
“Fine, if you must know. I’ve never been with a man before. Before you I had never even met a man who interested me. Then all of a sudden, there you were and I was confused. My wolf both wanted to rub all over you and mark you as ours and run as far away from you as we could get.”
“And now?”
Brogan licked his lips and looked Jericho up and down, “Now we are both in agreement. We want you anyway we can get you.”
Jericho smiled as he followed his mate to his room. He was still as sexy as the day he’d first laid eyes on him. It’d taken all his willpower not to make a pass that he knew the wolf would run from. He hadn’t expected that to be his last day on earth or he’d just might have gone for it and damn the consequences.
“Your eyes are red.” Brogan whispered in awe.
“That’s because I’m envisioning you naked beneath me.” Jericho stalked closer until they were almost nose to nose. “Demons can smell emotions, but we have a bond and I can feel your need and hunger for me.”
Brogan nodded, “I do want you, more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life.”
“Then we need to get rid of these clothes.” He said as he snapped his finger and they were both naked. “Now that’s much better.”
“You know I’m not a virgin technically, but….” Brogan trailed off as Jericho began to chuckle.
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll be gentle. You’ll love this I promise.”
Before Brogan could say anything else Jericho leaned forward and pressed their lips together for their very first kiss. Heat consumed him as he heard Brogan moan in pleasure.
Chapter Eighteen
He was being burned alive and he never wanted it to end. If Hell had felt like this he’d never have left. “Jericho?” He wasn’t even sure what he was asking for, he’d just felt an overwhelming need to say his name.
Before he knew it, they were lying side by side in bed, their bodies pressed tightly together from their ankles up. Not one single body part wasn’t either wrapped around each other or pressed together as if they were being fused together by their body heat.
Brogan wanted to touch his mate, but didn’t want to stop kissing him long enough to move his hands. His taste was intoxicating and he was drunk on it. He finally pulled away for some much-needed air and was dazzled by the look of raw hunger in his mate’s eyes. He knew he must look similar, he could feel his wolf at the surface demanding they claim Jericho once and for all.
Without a second thought Brogan leaned forward and licked Jericho’s nipple to see if his reaction would be similar to a woman’s, it was. Bolstered he ran his hand down Jericho’s toned body, feeling the multitude of scars, scabs, and abrasions. He stopped as heard him hiss in a breath.
“Did I hurt you? I kind of forget you were just released from a tortuous Hell a few hours ago.”
“The only thing that hurts is my cock. It’s aching from need. Don’t stop touching me, please. It’s the sweetest torture. One I’d be happy to surrender to for eternity.”
Brogan smiled and continued his downward journey. He only hesitated a second before he grasped Jericho fully in his hand and felt his velvety smoothness for the first time.
“See, not so scary is it. The one-eyed monster didn’t hurt you.”
“Ass,” Brogan laughed. “This is new for me. Besides my own I’ve never touched another man’s genitals before. I’m sorry if I’m a little hesitant at first.”
“I’d never make fun of you for long about this.” Jericho said as he moved his own hand down Brogans body and grasped Brogan’s cock in his hand. “I want to taste you. Would you mind?”
“This may be a stupid question, but has anyone in their right mind ever really turned that kind of an offer down before?”
He’d barely finished the sentence before he was flipped onto his back and his world lit up with colors as he felt himself being engulfed in liquid heat. He pulled at the sheets below him as he arched his back off the bed as undeniable desire flooded his system. If he’d known it was going to be like this he might have done it sooner. He knew as soon as the thought crossed his mind it was a lie. Jericho was the only man that could make him feel like this.
“Stop, baby, stop. I’m going to come if you don’t stop.” Brogan panted.
Jericho just laughed which sent spasms down Brogan’s legs. Holy hell he was going to die from pleasure he thought as he felt wave after wave flood his system as he came in his mate’s mouth.
“I knew you’d taste good, I just didn’t expect you to be so addicting.” Jericho said as he climbed up Brogan’s body and placed kisses along the way.
“It’s your first time, I know and I promise to be gentle, but I need to feel you wrapped around me as I stare into your eyes.”
“Yes, I want to feel you deep inside me too. Make me yours and only yours.”
“Do you have any lube?” Jericho asked.
Brogan couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up at his words. If only his mate knew the trouble lube had caused for him and his friends. “Yes, I do.” He rolled over and opened the small table beside his bed and handed it to Jericho.
“Should I ask why you are laughing after I asked if I could make love to you?” Jericho asked in an offended tone.
“It’s not that I swear. You remember the comment when the party was ending, and West talking to me? They tried to give me pointers and we were all drunk at a bar in town. Let’s just say we weren’t as quiet as we thought we were.”
“In that case let me enlighten you my way.” Jericho took the bottle and popped the cap. “It might be a little cold,” he said as Brogan yelped when it landed on his hot skin.
“Bastard.” He muttered. Every thought beyond that was quickly forgotten as the pleasure began to build again. Long minutes later Jericho leaned back and placed a gentle kiss to his lips. “
Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“Yes, with you I’m ready for all of it forever.”
Brogan grunted as he felt Jericho slowly push his way through the tight muscle. He’d never felt so full in his life and he knew it was only the beginning. “Yes, baby. That’s it.” He groaned as he felt Jericho all around him and in him. They were finally one, the way they were meant to be.
“I love you Jericho.”
“I love you too, Brogan. My life, my mate, my soul.”
They’d been mated for only a few weeks, when Brogan started noticing little things. Jericho would suddenly stop talking and stare off into space with gritted teeth. The way he’d grab his shoulder where their mate mark was and cringe as if in pain. And the overwhelming feeling that something was coming for them.
“Jericho, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. I’m not stupid, I can see something is happening.”
“They are trying to force me back to Hell. Technically they own me, they are pushing against my will to stay here. Every day it gets a little harder.”
“There has got to be something we can do, right? I’m not losing you when I just got you back finally.”
Jericho smiled sadly, “don’t give up on me, babe. I’m not done fighting. We’ll figure something out I promise.”
It happened the next time when they were out with Rook and West for a drink and some good food. They were all talking and laughing the way only really close friends can, when suddenly Jericho stiffened, climbed to his feet and left the restaurant for the back alley.
“It’s bad?” Brogan whispered softly as he placed a hand on Jericho’s back and quickly pulled it back in shock. “What’s happening?”
“They are trying to burn our mate’s mark away. It’s the only thing holding me here and they know it. If they can remove it enough, they’ll be able to drag me back.”