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Sassy Ever After: Demon Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

  Rook smiled evilly and it instantly set Brogan’s hackles up. “I was just waiting for the perfect time to remind them of all that transpired last night.”

  He remembered meeting Deader and West for drinks last night, but he didn’t remember anything too bad happening. What was he missing?

  “From the blank looks on their faces I assume they don’t recall much.” Barbara smirked, cocked one eyebrow and waited for the two men to say something.

  “We got drunk, but I don’t remember anything significant happening.” West offered hesitantly, “But by the smug look on my mate’s face and you being here delighting in this, I’m going to assume it’s something very embarrassing.”

  “You really do have the worst opinion of me, don’t you? Take the man shopping one time and he’s marked you for life. But you bet your furry ass I’m delighting in this.”

  Rook finally took pity on the two men and attempted to explain between bouts of laughter. “It would seem that you, West and Deader decided to educate Brogan here on how to have sex with a man. You were all so cute, with your heads pressed close together so you could whisper.”

  Brogan groaned, this wasn’t going to be good at all. No wonder the two of them were smirking. This was prime embarrassment, never let you forget or live it down material.

  “Thing is, you were too drunk to realize you weren’t whispering, add in the place was shit full of shifters and yeah they heard every word you all said. I got there in time to stop the more intimate details, but they still heard more than most of them ever wanted to know about anal sex.”

  “I blame them for all of it.” Brogan muttered as he closed his eyes and hoped the floor would swallow him whole. Besides, why would they wait till he was drunk to explain that shit, he needed to remember it after all, the assholes.

  Barbara laughed, “I hope to be there when you two emerge into the daylight today and see some of your friends from the bar last night. This is so much better than I could have planned. I’ll have to remember how potent that new drink is. It has some fun possibilities. Now I’ve got to go meet Ellie. You three be good.”

  He’d only been awake about an hour and already the day was wrapping up to be shitastic. Add in the nightmare or vision, or whatever it was he’d had last night and he was already done. But that at least did remind him of something.

  “Last night before I came in to your room like a kicked puppy, I woke up with a realization. Something that may help get Jericho back. When Tallulah Mae summoned the demon, she had to have used a spell or incantation or something, right.” He waited for the other two men to nod in agreement before he continued. “What if we searched that house and found whatever it was she used and use it ourselves to summon Jericho.”

  “I think that’s something we should definitely ask Cadence about. The idea has some merit and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get him back for you.”

  “I agree with West. And while we’re on the subject, what happened last night? Can you tell us?”

  Brogan closed his eyes, took a deep breath and relayed the nightmare, the things he heard, the sights he saw, and the feelings he felt as if he was Jericho, but at the same time separate. Why Jericho was saying he was sorry and what it meant too. He told them everything he could remember.

  When he was done the room fell silent as the two men stared at him in shock and sympathy. Brogan pushed his chair back and shrugged. “I’m gonna head out to see Cadence, maybe she’ll be able to make some sense of all this.”

  Five minutes later he was dressed and sitting on the side of the guest bed staring into space lost. He blamed it on the hangover but knew that was only part of the reason. The nightmare from the night before had left a gaping, oozing hole of self-doubt that was slowly crippling him. What did it say about him that his mate, the one person made for him was giving up. They’d had a few chance hours together and now Jericho was saying he couldn’t do it, he wasn’t going to be back. Brogan felt so defeated, he’d lost before he’d even begun.

  “Why are you dressed?”

  Brogan glanced over to see Rook in the doorway and he shrugged because he didn’t know what else to say.

  “Come on, West is out back shifted and waiting on us. Let’s go, we could use the run to help burn off that alcohol and get back to normal. I bet you didn’t even notice your wolf is silent this morning, did you?”

  He was shocked to realize it was true. “What the fuck?”

  “West is the same way, he struggled to shift a bit, but already he feels a hundred times better. I think you will too.” Rook walked in and pulled Brogan to his feet. “Let’s go, you and your wolf need some exercise. Then West is going to work and you and I are going to see Cadence.”

  Chapter Seven

  That had been what he needed after all. He felt a thousand times better and he and his wolf were back on the same page communicating and operating as the team they were. Things didn’t look so hopeless anymore either. He knew now that his mate wasn’t rejecting him. Jericho was simply saying he was sorry that he had left so soon and that he wasn’t sure if he’d make it out alive this time. Brogan knew with every fiber of his being that Jericho was fighting to hold on, just as he was fighting to bring him back.

  “Cadence?” Rook called from her front porch where he stood pulling on his shirt he’d grabbed from the pile of clothes they all left there for such occasions.

  “I was hoping you would come see me today.” Cadence called from somewhere inside. “I”ve got to talk to you both.”

  Brogan took one more deep breath of the fresh forest scent before shifting back and getting dressed. He quickly pulled on the clothes and walked on rough wooden floors in his bare feet, hoping he didn’t get a splinter.

  “You look like you need this.” Cadence handed Brogan a glass of pale blue liquid. “Drink quickly it will be better that way.” She turned and handed a small bottle to Rook. “This is for your mate. It’ll banish the last of the hangover and cure what ails him and his wolf. Next time go easy with it. I’ve already given some to Deader so don’t worry about him.”

  He listened with half his attention as he studied the odd liquid he was supposed to be drinking with the rest. How had she known the three of them would need this and how did she get some to Deader already? She scared the hell out of him sometimes.

  “Rook what are you waiting for? Go your mate needs this now. Brogan stop analyzing it and drink it down. It’s better if you do it quickly, there can be quite a nasty after taste as well.”

  She’s poisoning me he thought as he did as he was told and raised the glass to his lips. The smell almost made him gag. He squeezed his eyes closed, held his breath and drank it as quick as he could. It was lumpy, cold and thick. It took every ounce of his willpower not to throw it right back up, but after a moment his stomach settled and he relaxed.

  “You did much better than Deader. He dry heaved when I gave it to him this morning.”

  “Can I ask a stupid question that for some reason never occurred to me till right now?”

  Cadence rolled her eyes, “Yes, I have similar powers to Jericho. I can move from place to place. I don’t do it often because it’s not one of my stronger powers, but I can and do use it upon occasion.” She moved to sit in an old rocker and nodded towards a chair opposite her. “Have a seat and tell me about your dream.”

  Brogan didn’t even question it anymore, he resigned himself to the fact that the Priestess knew everything. It was much simpler that way. He sat down and spent the next few minutes once again explaining all that he remembered.

  “It would seem that things are much worse than I had expected, but also much better as well.” Cadence rocked in her chair and stared off into space as she mumbled incoherently to herself for a few moments.

  “I had an idea also. Tallulah Mae summoned a demon, why can’t we do the same thing and summon Jericho?”

  “That would require a blood sacrifice of large amounts and depending on the broker other things as we
ll. Tallulah had to give things you wouldn’t even imagine to have summoned the demon she did, especially with the amount of power he held. To get Jericho would be even higher since who holds him won’t give him up easily.”

  “There has to be a way. Jericho doesn’t think he’s going to make it out of there. I can’t leave him, I won’t leave him there. It’s not fair the fates gave me my mate just to take him away hours later. I won’t accept that there is nothing we can do.”

  “Calm down, I didn’t say that. But I am pleased to know you are willing to fight for him and have accepted he is your mate.”

  Brogan opened his mouth to reply, but she’d caught him off guard. Why wouldn’t he fight for Jericho and had she thought he’d reject him?

  “I can see your thoughts. All I meant is that the signs were there for me to see he was your mate, but I did not know if you’d accept it without a fight. You have a connection that is unheard of, yet it’s there. I’ve no doubt you belong together and will be soon. I too won’t give up.”

  “Was it a dream I had? It felt so real.”

  Cadence shook her head no slowly and sighed, “I’m afraid not. Your defenses were down, you were able to connect through your bond and see.”

  “We haven’t mated, how can we have that strong of a bond. For that matter, I’ve never heard of being able to see each other like that before.”

  “He’s not a shifter, Brogan. You have to stop thinking of this in those terms. All you know is thrown out the window now. You are on a whole different playing field now. He’s half demon after all. You do have a bond already and it will only continue to grow over time, as soon as you admitted he was your other half the bond clicked into place.”

  Brogan fell silent as he contemplated all that he’d learned from Cadence over the last half hour. He really wasn’t sure where to go from here. Every time he thought they were getting somewhere it failed. Now time was running out and here he sat with his thumb up his ass being useless.

  “What do we do now?”

  “We keep thinking. We’ll find a way. Don’t give up, keep your faith and believe we will. Until then we brainstorm and research same as we’ve been doing.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next week dragged by as he split his time between working with Cadence, researching and pretending to be ‘Thumpers’ delivery person to Koira. He had to give Caeden credit though, the man was pretty damn resourceful, even if Constance was always grumbling around the station about gelding him for watching Koira take a shower while he was in his dog form. Brogan still laughed at that one.

  “Hey bro. You busy tonight?” Rook asked as he sat down next to him at the diner. “Koira’s going to sing tonight at the club and we’re all gonna be there for moral support and to help keep things under control. I’m sure you heard about the last time, right?”

  He had indeed. Koira had nearly caused a brawl to break out after she sang. It had taken Rook, Mason and Caden to get her out of the bar. The shifters had surrounded her while she sang on the stage unaware of the true danger she’d been in. “Of course, I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Great. I’ve gotta run some errands, but I’ll see you tonight.” Rook waved and left leaving Brogan to his thoughts.

  Lou the long-time waitress of the diner set a cup of coffee down and cocked her head in question.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  She hesitated only briefly, “Is it true you’ve found your mate but he’s stuck in Hell?”

  Brogan cocked one eyebrow in surprise, but nodded slowly. “Yes, it’s true. Rumors spreading already?”

  “You know how it is. Besides people are still talking about your boy’s night last week. Anyone who didn’t know about your mate sure does now.”

  “What’s the verdict?” He asked hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what the people of Blue Creek would think of his mate being male and a demon.

  Lou waggled her eyebrows in an exaggerated mockery of a leer, “Most people think you’re ready to show your mate a night he won’t forget after the pointers Deader and West gave you. But everyone is agreement that we are happy for you and we can’t wait to meet him. Words spread about what he did last fall with stopping Tallulah. He’ll be welcomed here with open arms, don’t worry a thing about that.”

  Brogan tired not to blush but he could feel his face burning in embarrassment. “Let’s just hope we can get him back here soon.”

  “You know if there’s anything we can do just give a holler. We’re family round here and we help our own. Jericho is part of that family now too.” Lou winked, “Now do you want something to eat or are you just going to sit here and mope.”

  “Coffee’s good, I’m just taking a short break before getting back to work.” Brogan emphasized his words by picking up the cup and taking a big swig. “Just needed a little pick me up.”

  “This cup’s on the house. Congrats on finding your mate again.” Lou said before she disappeared in the back to presumably report whatever gossip she’d gleaned to Burke the diner owner and cook.

  The next few hours dragged by as Brogan spent his time doing paperwork at the station while his mind wandered to Jericho and what was happening to him. He was getting worried and if he was honest scared shitless. His mate hadn’t contacted him once since the night he had the dream. It was almost as if Jericho had somehow cut him off to save him from seeing what he was enduring.

  “I’m getting ready to head to snag a table for tonight. You at a stopping point and want to come with?”

  Brogan jumped at West’s question. He’d been lost in his thoughts and hadn’t heard the other man approach.

  “Shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you like that. You okay?”

  “Yeah, no problem. I was daydreaming I guess. I’m ready to get out of here, I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about Koira’s singing. I can’t wait to hear her for myself, and truth be told I could use the mental break too.”

  He quickly shut his computer down, straightened his desk and gathered his things to walk out with West. Neither man had much to say on the short walk and that was fine with Brogan. He needed a few minutes to clear his head and get in the right mindset to have fun with some of his closest friends.

  As they walked up to the Horney Wolfe the bouncers out front nudged each other and pointed to the two of them. Brogan knew this was going to be painful as soon as he saw their smirks.

  “Shut it.” West called before the two men could open their mouths which just seemed to encourage both men.

  “Come on, Sheriff. You can’t be like that. It’s not often that we get to harass you guys for doing crazy stuff. And from what we heard it was an epic night.”

  Brogan groaned and rolled his eyes. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea. Not enough time between their now legendary night and this one. A couple years might do it, but a week was clearly not.

  “Go on in.” The other bouncer said. “It’s bound to get pretty busy soon, might as well grab a table while you can. Words spread about the performance and we’re expecting quite a crowd.”

  The two men headed inside and found a booth near the back that was large enough to fit their whole group. Before too much time had passed Brogan could see the bouncers hadn’t been lying. The place was filling up fast.

  West surprised Brogan by ordering a few of the now infamous drinks. “Don’t worry we’re taking tonight much more slowly.” West assured Brogan before he could say anything. “Besides I want our friends to try this stuff.”

  By the time the drinks were delivered most of the group had arrived. Rook squeezed in next to West with a quick kiss and a murmured missed you. Deader and Skarlet came in and grabbed seats, but not before she gave them all a scathing look of disgust when she saw the drinks. They were only waiting on the woman of the hour and her mate. Within a few moments Brogan glanced up and gave a whistle of appreciation at Koira’s outfit.

  “No wonder Caeden looks pissed off. She’s smokin hot.” West said as
all eyes turned to the newcomers.

  “Did you guys purposely choose the spot furthest from the door?” Caeden grumbled.

  “Quit your bellyaching and sit down.” Brogan huffed. “Koira you look amazing, if we weren’t both spoken for I would be begging for your time. Ouch!”

  Brogan scowled at his friend and rubbed his arm where Caeden had punched him. He was only paying her a compliment, women liked to know people thought they looked good.

  “Caeden you have to try this new drink they just got in. Koira would you like something?” West leaned closer so she could hear him over the noise.

  Brogan slid a large glass of clear liquid across to Caeden. He couldn’t wait to see how the pup took to the drink.

  “I’ll have water for now but after I sing I plan to match you drink for drink.” Koira replied with a cheeky grin.

  West returned with a bottle of water, “Lael said good luck and she’s buying you a shot after this.”

  “Come on Caeden why aren’t you drinking?” Brogan teased him.

  “I want to stay clear headed, maybe next time.” Caeden replied absently. Brogan couldn’t fault him for that, but damn he really wanted to see how he handled the drink.

  Mason spotted them and came over. “Hey everyone, you guys ready for this? Koira how are you feeling?”

  “Now that the moment is here I am feeling a lot more nervous than before.” She slid her hand across the table till she found the glass in front of Caeden. Everyone at the table except Caeden yelled no as she grabbed it and tossed the liquid back.

  Brogan gaped at her in stunned horror. That drink had knocked them on their asses what would it do to a mere slip of a human?

  Between coughs she managed to speak, “Oh my god, what was that?”

  Mason patted her back to help with the coughing, “You probably shouldn’t have had that. It’s something new we just got in that let’s shifters get buzzed.”